Family Support Specialists– Lee Anne of Northland Family Center, Amy of Pine River-Backus and Pillager Family Centers
"I went from no hope to having accomplished a lot more than I ever imagined I could. [the Family Support Specialist] taught me to believe in myself."

Wouldn't it be nice to have someone listen to your parenting struggles without judging you or forcing their opinion on you? Someone who will cheer you on as you work toward your dreams for yourself and your family, and point out all your progress when you feel like you’re getting nowhere? Someone who believes in you and sees your potential?
As Family Support Specialists, we are that someone for many families. We work with families to figure out what they want for their children and their families, then help them figure out how to reach those goals. As a family in our program, we would bring you research based information on what to expect at certain stages in your child’s life, and how you can support your child to become the happy, healthy person every parent wants their child to be. During the visits, we focus on what is important to you!
We help you find answers common questions, like:
How can I be a parent and still have a life?
How can I deal with stress and keep the stress from affecting my baby?
What kinds of things do I need to teach my child so he/she is ready for school?
How can I help my child grow up with the characteristics that matter the most? How do I help him/her to be independent, smart, trustworthy, family oriented, etc. (whatever matters most in your family)?
Offering HOPE and helping families THRIVE...
Family Center Home Visiting has been serving our community for 11 years! Since 2006, over 300 Cass County families have received home visits! Family Center Home Visiting is a free program through the Pine River-Backus, Northland & Pillager Family Centers. Home Visiting begins prenatally or before your child is 3 months old and continues through their third birthday. Weekly home visits are filled with fun activities & information about your child's development. From charting their first milestones, to identifying qualities and characteristics you want in your child, your Family Support Specialists help you, as a parent, pick out what is important to you and create ways to instill those same values in your children!
Connect with your local Family Center to learn more about Home Visiting & other parenting resources in your community!
Pine River-Backus Family Center - Pine River, MN (218)-587-4292
Northland Area Family Service Center - Remer, MN (218)-566-3636
Pillager Area Family Center - Pillager, MN (218)-746-4009
Serving Families Prenatally through 3 years old
Whether you are a first time parent or a fifth time parent, Family Center Home Visiting can help strengthen your family, encourage you as a parent, and help prepare your children for school and learning. Our Family Support Specialists offer resources and support to help you learn alongside your baby as they grow and develop.
Growing Great Kids & Growing Great Families is a strengths-based curriculum which promotes parent-child relationships and healthy childhood development, Growing Great Kids & Growing Great Families offer: fun activities that support your child's growth and development, ideas for making age-appropriate toys from common household items, and creative self-care techniques for parents and caregivers.
To view our brochure, click here:
To refer a client to our program, click here:
Amy Gordon, FSS
My name is Amy Gordon. I am the Family Support Specialist for the Pine River-Backus Family Center.
A little bit about me, I am married to my husband Jason and together we have 5 kids. We enjoy camping, fishing, swimming and other outdoor activities. Our children attend the Pine River-Backus school, and the children are very active in sports and other areas of the community. I am a member of the Early Childhood Coalition and participate in many early childhood events.
I am so blessed to be part of an amazing program that serves the community where I grew up and reside in. I fully support programs that engage with families as a whole and start with the youngest people in our community.
Growing Better Together
Help us at Prevent Child Abuse America by planting the seeds of change.
Just like plants need good soil to grow, positive childhood experiences in nurturing environments provide fertile ground for physical and mental health, learning, and social skills to flourish.
It is more important than ever to help positive childhood experiences take root in your community and across the country.
Mobilize your community and take action so all of us are #GrowingBetterTogether!